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how to make money on the internet

how to make money on the internet

Pakistani internet users often ask how money can be made online. The answer to this question is not so easy and in order to understand it we first have to understand how the Internet works and what are the basic sources of revenue on it.

To tackle this whole puzzle, we have prepared articles containing two episodes in which we have talked to both experts and consumers on the two main sources of revenue earned on the Internet, and have put this situation before our readers. Be aware of how money can be earned on the Internet

There are two main ways to make money on the Internet

The first one is earned through content. Content refers to multimedia content that people come to a platform to watch, read or listen to, which in turn pays the content creator. This content can be any creative work such as video, images, audio, blogging or vlogging that is in demand in the market.

The second source of revenue is buying and selling via e-commerce or the Internet. Where you have the opportunity to buy and sell items online without having to set up a shop, factory or business venture.

In which, like a traditional business, you put things online for sale, which consumers want, and you pay for it via card or cash online delivery.
In this article we will talk about the option to earn money through content and try to understand how a creator can make money online.

How much is the digital population?

Digital Strategist Badr Khushanod says 'There are currently 6 million internet users in Pakistan', which is official data from a few months ago. 'About three and a half million people are currently on Facebook. Fifty percent of them are Generation Z. These are the people who were born after 1990. '
This allows you to estimate how big your market is just inside Pakistan. If you include Pakistanis who understand Urdu language spread around the world, then the market becomes huge.

Earned by Content

Bader Khoshanud says: 'Adversar Teasers give money to those that have traffic. Now if you understand what people are liking about. '
This means that we'd like to understand the requirements and demands of users on the web about what quite content they need to read, listen to, watch or buy.

But what's that content or content?
To find out, we turned to Kangra, alittle village in Sialkot district, where we visited meet Vidar Mubarak Siddique, a YouTube channel channeling rural life.
Mubashir Siddique's channel is named 'Village Food Secret' and has quite nine million subscribers. an outsized number of individuals come to his channel to observe his videos which depict the straightforward rural lifetime of Punjab. His hottest video has been viewed quite 5 million times

Evangelists are very simple people, and perhaps their simplicity is what their viewers like.
When we asked him about this channel, he simply said, 'YouTube is my channel for cooking. My education is a matriculation, and that is what I did in the Third Division. And I'm from a small village in Sialkot District. '

You may be surprised to know that the village in which the evangelist lives, the internet is not regularly available and they have to load their videos from the village to another place.

So just as evangelist Siddique has adopted rural life as her primary offering, you have to understand what you want to show. Do you want to write on economics or logging on tours and tourism? You also need to understand what platform you want to work for
A large number of people come to YouTube to watch the video. And since they come to watch videos, medium to long videos work better on YouTube.
If the same thing is said about Facebook, short duration videos out there perform better. Ad breaks on Facebook are not currently available within Pakistan.
In order to gain financially on Facebook you have to get 30,000 views on at least three minutes of videos within two months and your page has at least 10,000 followers.
In this regard, Facebook's most popular page was Nas Daily, which had millions of fans and their one-minute videos were viewed by millions.

What platforms do you pay for?

There are three major platforms to make money through online content. YouTube, Facebook and Word Press or Blogging.

Google is one of the most prominent in the market in terms of revenue being earned through its two major platforms. A YouTube video called the world's largest video search engine. The second is Google Ads, which can be earned by placing ads on different blogs.
Videos are mainly posted on YouTube that a large number of people are watching on YouTube. Different information is posted on the blog in writing or image format, along with Google or other ads through which to make money.

How does this system work?

If you start creating content that gets traffic, then the advertiser will automatically come to you. This advertiser will bring you Google or Facebook.
Badr Khushnod says, 'It becomes a complete system. Because the advertiser needs readers. Readers need good content. '
His step-by-step approach is somewhat similar to Badr Khoshanod's oral.
You need a platform for your content. It could be a YouTube channel, a Facebook page. Can be a video, audio or image blog or a blog with simple compositions. So first of all you have to create a digital asset for publishing your content. If you have a website, you will have to purchase hosting with the domain on which your website will be set up.

In the case of a website then you have to implement a program which is a Google program, Google Adsense. Typically, you need to apply AdSense.
When you start to put content on your platform, after a certain amount of time your website will start to reach a certain extent when a few hundred or a few thousand people. You can apply by going to Adsense. And so you start getting paid according to your traffic.
Advertisers on YouTube pay money, in which they advertise on videos. And 45% own YouTube, and 55% pay to video creators

What do people want to see?

We asked this question to Badr Khushanud, who immediately said, 'The million dollar question is that this way.'
"The easiest and most scientific thanks to do that is to use a number of Google's free and third-party tools that you simply can use," Bader said. for instance , Google Trends may be a tool. By going there you'll see what people are posing for , what they're trying to find within the world. '
But consistent with Badr, you've got to try to to it six months beforehand . And accordingly create content from now on to urge you ranked in search engines. once you come to the results pages, you'll automatically get traffic

But according to Badr, you have to do it six months in advance. And accordingly create content from now on to get you ranked in search engines. When you come to the results pages, you will automatically get traffic. '
Bader emphasized that 'whether or not content should be made should be based on scientific basis and not on assumptions or personal likes. Scientific data that tells you what people are reading and searching for. Accordingly, if you create content then your path to success is reduced

How much money do you get?

Explaining this, Bader said, “In a million views you can earn from a hundred dollars to a thousand dollars.” And that doesn't happen once, because people have been watching these videos for years.
When we asked the same question to Mubashir Siddique, he said, “The monthly earnings of Almighty Allah is an average of three lakh every month. Sometimes three million goes up to 25,000, sometimes 25,000.

Top Tips

We asked both Badr Khushanud and Mubashir Siddique what they would give our readers best tips so their tips are a few.

Pakistani internet users often ask how money can be made online. The answer to this question is not so easy and in order to understand it we first have to understand how the Internet works and what are the basic sources of revenue on it.
To tackle this whole puzzle, we have prepared articles containing two episodes in which we have talked to both experts and consumers on the two main sources of revenue earned on the Internet, and have put this situation before our readers. Be aware of how money can be earned on the Internet.
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