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Manufacturers of sports equipment do not spare our wallets,
asking for quite impressive amounts even for a nonsense instrument. We decided to explore options for creating projectiles for home training. Goal for invention is cunning!

1. Dumbbells made of plastic bottles. 

Dumbbells can be made using ordinary bottles of water, just pour sand inside or pour water. And you can pour water in the dumbbells with sand! So they will become even heavier, since a large amount of water seeps between grains of sand.
If you need a lot of weight, you will have to take bottles of one and a half to two liters. Since they are thick, holding them in your hands is inconvenient. However, do not rush to get upset and run to the sports equipment store. Just hold the bottle over the stream of hot air from the included comfort, scrolling it like a barbecue on a skewer. The plastic is deformed and you can give the bottles the desired shape. Before pouring sand inside, cool the bottle dumbbells well. And if you have free time, you can even decorate dumbbells. For example, like this ...
Do you have a broken children's scooter or bicycle? Do not rush to throw away the handles with foam rubber, because from them you can make convenient holders for dumbbells that will not rub your fingers to corns.

2. Sock dumbbells Every housewife has foil or cling film. 

Do not rush to throw away their base rolls. With the help of these rods and socks you can make unusual dumbbells and it takes about 20 minutes. Please note that the dumbbells in the video are quite light, rather fake. You can pour any weighting agent inside the hollow core. The same sand.

3. Dumbbells from ... dumbbells with water 

Do not want to bother and melt the bottle over the fire? Then just buy special bottles for athletes, made in the form of dumbbells. But great invented, right? This is an incentive: they swayed and drank. Thirst is everything!

4. Dumbbells made of plastic canisters with a handle. 

If there is a hand on the container from milk or detergents, do not throw it in the trash. An excellent sports equipment will also come out of it. It is convenient to pump biceps with the handles located in the center. If they are higher, the weight will be shifted, but such dumbbells will be ideally suited for weight lifting exercises from behind the head. By the way, this is a great workout for

5. Coin weights For this economical option you will need a lot of money. 

Do not worry, you will not spend them. Take unnecessary nylon stockings and place inside the coins, making a “sausage”. Tie a stocking. You can tie it around the leg, but in this case, blood circulation may be disturbed. Therefore, it is easier to put on socks and place them inside the “sausage”. Weighting - a wonderful inventory in

6. Weights from metal plates 

Have not forgotten the lessons of needlework? Convenient weights can be made of strong fabric, Velcro and metal plates. In my opinion, the most affordable and economical option is fabric from old jeans. Cut two identical pieces of fabric, stitch them, making pockets. Sew Velcro to the pockets and place pieces of metal inside. Although the author of the video suggests replacing metal with sand, it’s better not to fill the sand with sand. Grains will seep through the cracks. On the inside, you can sew pieces of foam rubber so that the weighting agents do not rub the skin. And don't forget to sew on Velcro straps.

7. Crossfit sled from a tire. Do you like strength training? 

Then ask your friends for the old tire and attach a belt or rope to it. It can be tied, but then the fabric of the belt will rub against the asphalt and will tear over time.

8. Kettlebell. Need a kettlebell? 

There is nothing easier. You will need sand, an old ball and a string bag. By the way, balls are often sold in nets, so getting a string bag is not a problem. Remove the nipple from the ball (the plug through which air is pumped into the pump). Pour sand into the resulting hole and lock it again with a nipple. Put the ball in the string bag - the kettlebell is ready!

9. Backpack bar An old backpack is frayed? 

So it's time to do the barbell. It is enough to put inside a couple of bags of sand. You can get by with books if they don’t go inside and out. Important: you can only take a backpack with two wide straps and proper weight distribution, so as not to damage fragile vertebrae. This is a good squat equipment.

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